Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

"gifts of time, money, and sympathy" - Doctors Without Boredom

Written by Matthew Loftus | Oct 23, 2018 8:03:58 AM

If you’ve never read this essay on W.H. Auden’s quiet benefience, you’re in for a real treat:

W.H. Auden had a secret life that his closest friends knew little or nothing about. Everything about it was generous and honorable. He kept it secret because he would have been ashamed to have been praised for it.

I learned about it mostly by chance, so it may have been far more extensive than I or anyone ever knew. Once at a party I met a woman who belonged to the same Episcopal church that Auden attended in the 1950s, St. Mark’s in-the-Bowery in New York. She told me that Auden heard that an old woman in the congregation was suffering night terrors, so he took a blanket and slept in the hallway outside her apartment until she felt safe again.