I’m honored to know Jon Fielder and call him a friend. This article at The Gospel Coalition describes the good work he’s done in Africa to treat patients, teach health professionals, and proclaim the Gospel in word and deed. It also discusses the challenges facing mission hospitals as they have transitioned to African leadership and discusses the crucial role they play in the current healthcare system:
“Church hospitals are truly owned by and embedded in local communities, are held accountable by their faith commitments and religious bodies, and have a higher purpose pointing to real hope and optimism—necessary characteristics for improving systems,” [Fielder] said. “These institutions, like any human enterprise, are not perfect, but the mechanisms usually exist to correct error and improve, like in the church itself.”
The compassion and persistence of mission hospitals and doctors is “a powerful witness,” Fielder said. “Our partners contribute to the Great Commandment as well as to the Great Commission. Many minister in unreached areas or to unreached groups. The facilities nurture the Christian faith of their staff. And they show to all the love and compassion of Christ in a world too often devoid of simple mercy.”
The Friendship That Battled the Prosperity Gospel to Treat Africa’s HIV Crisis