Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Losing a Majority Mindset - Commonplaces

Written by Jake Meador | Dec 23, 2016 4:59:17 PM

I’m not entirely happy with this approach from Russell Moore, but I think the quote sums up much of the good and bad in what I take to be his major project:

The loss of a majority mind-set is hastened by cultural and political trends, and we should welcome this loss. It started with good intentions, to get out of enclaves and connect with the broader public, but it came with too high of a price. The emphasis on “values” over gospel exported throughout the nation some of the worst aspects of southern Christendom. Christianity became a totem to secure a happy marriage, a successful career, well-behaved children—all that, and eternal life too. Such a Christianity doesn’t have a Galilean accent, but rather the studied clip of a telemarketer. It sought to normalize Christianity by finding a goal that the church and the culture could agree on, even if Jesus were resting comfortably in his borrowed grave. The vision was a Christian America, or a Judeo-Christian America, or a “traditional family values” America.