Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Huckabee and Iowa

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Oct 21, 2007 10:42:55 PM

Since I've been all about Huckabee the last 48 hours, I figured I would pass along this interesting piece of news from Dean Barnett, formerly of

THE ONLY POLLSTER that really matters is Scott Rasmussen of Rasmussen Reports. In addition to his unrivaled track record, Rasmussen is also the only pollster who is currently screening for likely voters. So when Rasmussen says something, we ought to pay attention.

Yesterday, Rasmussen released a poll of the Iowa Republican Caucus. Given its surprising results, I'm surprised it hasn't received more attention. Romney's winning with 25 percent; no big shakes there. Fred's in second at 19 percent; again, nothing earth shattering. But here comes the bombshell: Mike Huckabee checks in at 18 percent, a stunningly strong third place showing and within shouting distance of the frontrunners.

A strong showing tonight could place him solidly in the top tier.

(HT: the indispensable Justin Taylor)