In case you missed it, First Things got a facelift last weekend. A few of my favorite blogs now reside there, including Wesley J. Smith’s Secondhand Smoke and the ineffable James Polous’ cohort of Postmodern Conservatives.
Second, the brilliant ladies of Intellectuelle have (finally!) come out of Joe Carter’s immense shadow at Evangelical Outpost to launch their own site, the creatively named Et Elle, et. al. Bonnie Lindbloom, Sarah Flashing, Letitia Wong and others are some of the blogosphere’s most gifted female writers, and it’s great to see them move into their own digs.
And like any savvy internet site, they set the expectations low early on by posting an interview with…me. Do take a look.
And speaking of Joe Carter, EvangelicalOutpost got a snazzy new web design, and some new staff members. It’s a treat to be working with Joe on the project, and while I may occasionally deploy some of my thoughts over at EO, I plan on continuing to use Mere-O as my primary outlet.
Thanks, as always, for reading. Here’s hail to the rest of the road.