Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

How to Work for Justice on Sunday Afternoon Without Leaving Your Couch

Written by Guest Writer | Sep 30, 2017 6:08:51 PM

I’m pleased and amused to publish this brief guest post from Colin Redemer.

  1. Don’t watch the racist, patriarchal, and evil NFL.
  2. Browse Twitter to pass the time.
  3. Oh, @realDonaldTrump said what?!
  4. Turn on the NFL and watch to show support for the protest #Resist.
  5. Tweet a side by side photo of #Kaep and #Parks.
  6. Leave the NFL on while you nap.

Colin Chan Redemer is an Associate Adjunct Professor at Saint Mary’s College of California and a Fellow of the Davenant Institute. His writing has appeared in the Englewood Review of Books, Evansville Review, Sojourners Magazine, The Federalist​, and​ the Tampa Review​​.