Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Earthen Vessels: The Endorsements (Pt. 2)

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | May 19, 2011 10:41:26 AM

Strap in, because the next few weeks might be an onslaught of shameless self-promotion for this book.

I hope to write some more personal reflections about the process, what I learned, etc. so if there's something you want to know, drop me a comment.  But in the meantime I thought I'd roll out the endorsements for it.  Here's round two, which is the academic round.  The first endorsements were here, don't miss the trailer, and don't forget to, you know, buy a copy.

“Earthen Vessels is a turning point in the evangelical conversation about the meaning of bodies. If you didn’t even know such a conversation was going on, you are lucky to have Matthew Anderson introducing you to it. If you’ve already been listening in and are as confused as the rest of us, you’ll appreciate the way this book sorts things out, settles accounts, debunks myths, digs for sources, raises neglected issues, and points out the way forward. On nearly every page you can find two virtues rarely combined: surprising new insights and good old common sense. Here is good counsel (solid, soulful, scriptural) about how to be humans, in bodies, under the gospel.”

Fred Sanders, Associate Professor of Theology, Torrey Honors Institute, Biola University

“Ours is a befuddling age. We’re “friends” with people we’ve never met, we read books that have nomaterial substance, and we store precious material in something rather ominously termed “the cloud.”Physicality is out; incorporeality is in. Earthen Vessels is a needed contribution in such a time. Thetext is at once an elegant meditation on the body, a fresh study of Scripture, and a celebration of thewestern tradition. Here is philosophical theology that will foster debate, critical thought, and praise of the Savior whose physical sacrifice won our salvation.”

Owen Strachan, Instructor of Christian Theology and Church History, Boyce College

“Matthew Lee Anderson makes an important contribution to the evangelical dialogue about the importance and role of the human body that is both scholarly and accessible. Too often evangelical discourse on this subject has been either defensive or simply followed cultural trends. Anderson is both robustly Christian and willing to listen when other traditions may have something to contribute. Christians will learn from this book that the body is important, but that we are not just computers made out of meat.”

John Mark Reynolds (Ph.D.), Director of the Torrey Honors Institute at Biola University