Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Counterfeit Gospels

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Apr 29, 2011 12:10:27 PM

Trevin Wax has solidified his role as one of the Christian blogging community's most insightful writers and one of the leaders of a new crop of young writers who are working to clearly and confidently articulate the shape of the gospel over and against the challenges of contemporary substitutes.

Trevin's new book, Counterfeit Gospels, is a helpful contribution that does precisely that.  Trevin has a great ability as a writer to make complex ideas accessible in an easygoing way.  It is thoughtful, careful engagement with alternatives that is pastorally and spiritually helpful without watering down any of the substance.  Trevin takes on the lack of judgment, moralism, a therapeutic gospel--and, in a section which I particularly appreciated--takes on quietist notions of the gospel that strip away any of the social or political ramifications of it (yes, even those).  But I'll let him tell you that:

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Here's my formal endorsement:  “Trevin Wax has done the church an important service by exposing the subtle deceptions that have trapped countless people within the church. Few topics are more important than the Gospel, and few books help us see what makes it uniquely challenging and powerful as this one.”

You'd do well to buy yourself a copy and seriously deliberate about the ways in which our understanding of the gospel conforms--or doesn't--to the good news of Jesus.