Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Come Read Orthodoxy with Trevin Wax and Me - Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Aug 7, 2013 5:00:00 AM

It turns out that I am not the only admirer of Chesterton’s Orthodoxy in this world.

Since releasing the Kindle version of the book with my introduction and a sample chapter from the new book, thousands (literally) of people have downloaded it.  And the recent hullabaloo about “millennials” and “the church” has simply persuaded me even more of its importance for our world.  If I had ever been tempted to trade in the sharp definitions of traditional Christianity for the vague trendiness of more contemporary forms, Orthodoxy would have put an end to it.

It turns out, though, that my friend Trevin Wax is also a fan.  In fact, he’s gone and made ol’ Chesterton the basis for one of his characters in his brand new book (go order  it now).  Trevin can be counted on in every situation to say just the thing that needs to be said, but to do so with both clarity and grace.

Which is why I’m excited to read through Orthodoxy with him.  And we are inviting you to join us.  Go download Orthodoxy (for free!) if you haven’t yet, start reading, and over the next few weeks spend some time thinking hard about the shape of the Christian confession.

Trevin has the schedule and a few introductory thoughts from both of us.  Go on and subscribe to his feed to make sure you don’t miss anything.