Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

‘Baptism,’ with Dr. Peter Leithart

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | May 11, 2021 7:01:19 AM

We need a renewal of baptismal imagination. Peter Leithart joins Andrew, Alastair, and Derek to help point the way towards that renewal. Did you know that baptism implies an anthropology that cuts across the grain of our modern notion of consent? There is a ton of typology. Water events! Food events! And of course the debate over full immersion makes an appearance.

Mere Fidelity is sponsored by Lexham Press, and features the Lexham Press Book of the Month.

The Book of the Month is Baptism: A Guide to Life from Deathby Dr. Peter Leithart. It is part of the Christian Essentials Series. Get a 40% discount using the promo code MEREFIDELITYMAY21. Leithart reunifies a church divided by baptism. He recovers the baptismal imagination of the Bible, explaining how baptism works according to Scripture. Then, in conversation with Christian tradition, he shows why baptism is something worth recovering and worth agreeing on.

Be sure to apply the discount to your purchase with the promo code MEREFIDELITYMAY21 as you checkout.


The Book of the Month [0:00]

The Two Most Convincing Paedobaptists in the World, and also Derek [1:13]

Why write a second book on baptism? [2:51]

What is involved in a baptismal imagination? [10:28]

Exorcism in the Ritual [18:08]

Baptism Joins Many Things Together [21:41]

Socio-political Implications of Baptism [25:37]

Remember Your Baptism; Remember Your Heritage [27:11]

How does understanding baptism help us understand Scripture better? [32:51]

Immersion [38:26]

Practical Applications [45:13]


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Follow DerekAndrew, and Alastair for more tweet-sized brilliance. Thanks to Timothy Crouch for keeping us organized. Thanks to Tim Motte for sound editing. And thanks to The Joy Eternal for lending us their music, which everybody should download out of gratitude for their kindness.