Mere Orthodoxy | Christianity, Politics, and Culture

Stats and Blogging

Written by Matthew Lee Anderson | Dec 7, 2004 5:43:21 PM

Today I discovered that The Doctor has a link to this site on his own page. Naturally, this prompted visions of 'blog glory'--hundreds of thousands of hits per day, all to read the thoughts here.

I finally realized, though, that I don't give a fig for stats. We've never used a counter, and I'll never start. The opportunity to clarify my own thinking through writing and to engage with whoever comes across us is justification enough. I'm quite certain people like Lewis, Popper, etc. didn't sit around worrying about their audience and whether it was growing--they worried about ideas, and as a result found themselves at the forefront of (extremely!) different schools of thought.

At any rate, I was a tad surprised to find my brother has been thinking similar things.

Oh, and this is the most autobiographical I will get, hopefully.